Birthday cards for children
When a baby is born, parents are delighted to receive a personalised card with loving congratulations. A beautifully designed birth card is a wonderful gift with which to express your joy at the birth. Many parents keep the congratulations cards for the birth in a memory box and take them out again years later to remember the most wonderful event in their lives. This makes the congratulations on birth something very special.

Sarah von Rickenbach
Sarah von Rickenbach

Sarah von Rickenbach







Love Kids

Love Kids

Love Kids
Birthday greeting card
A child's birthday is an emotional and unforgettable moment. With a birthday greeting card, we express the joy and appreciation for this precious event. Especially in this day and age, a message on paper with personal words has great significance. The greeting card with loving words is sure to be kept and is a wonderful keepsake. It is all the more important that the words for the birthday are carefully and lovingly chosen.